
What You Probably Didn’t Know About Wallpaper

Interesting Facts About Wallpaper

Many people turn to wallpaper when they want a new or updated look for a room. A short time spent in a home improvement store will provide you with insight into the massive amount of choice you have when it comes to choosing the type and styles available to you.

But what is it about wallpaper that’s kept it around for so many years? Why do people return to it time and again, and how has it remained popular over all the millenniums? Here are a few interesting facts about wallpaper that might just be able to answer these questions.

#1 China 200B.C.

Wallpaper was first used in China, dating back to 200B.C. As the knowledge was passed to other cultures, the methods and of making this material also improved with each generation, with each culture adding its own touches.

#2 Europe 1509

The oldest known piece of European wallpaper today dates back from 1509. It was found on Christ’s College in Cambridge’s lodge’s beams.

#3 America 1739

Americans started using this product in 1739.

These are only a few interesting facts about the history and use of wallpaper in modern and historic times.

Let Us Help You Access Beautiful Wallpaper for Your Home or Business

At The Curtain Cabin, we have the experience and expertise required to help our clients access and choose the beautiful wall coverings they’re after for their properties. With our vast supplier network, we are guaranteed to source the styles you are after, and thanks to our vast buying power, you never have to pay more for it than necessary.

Tap into our vast experience and expertise. Let us help you choose the best options for your property. Contact us to learn more about us, and for all the advice you need to make an informed purchase decision. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have.